Also from the Netherlands we are following your activities closely. I'm glad your arrived well and it seems you already feel at home. I'm also looking forward to see your pictures. Are you already familiar with the surroundings, the habits and the food? The kids will definitely make your adventure worthwhile. Enjoy your stay and until next time.
Online seit 6428 Tagen
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 20. Okt, 23:00
Impressum & Disclamer
Meike Boßerhoff
Niederhöchstädter Str. 14
61449 Steinbach
Hiermit distanziere ich mich ausdrücklich von den Inhalten aller verlinkten Seiten, da ich keinerlei Einfluss auf deren Gestaltung und Inhalte habe. Diese Erklärung gilt auch für alle Seiten, die auf verlinken.
Also from the Netherlands we are following your activities closely. I'm glad your arrived well and it seems you already feel at home. I'm also looking forward to see your pictures. Are you already familiar with the surroundings, the habits and the food? The kids will definitely make your adventure worthwhile. Enjoy your stay and until next time.
Best Regards,